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Home Page Statistical Database M.F.M.C. - P.I.C. up to 10/07/2011

Report by Company
  Total Assets of Mutual Funds by Management Company
  Breakdown of Assets by Management Company
Assets by Management Company of:
  Equity, Balanced, Bond and Money Market Mutual Funds
  Funds of Funds
  Mutual Funds Domiciled Abroad – Special Type
Report by Category
  Equity   Domestic  |  Foreign
  Balanced   Domestic  |  Foreign
  Bond   Domestic  |  Foreign
  Money Market   Domestic  |  Foreign
  Funds of Funds   Equity  |  Balanced  |  Bond
  Mutual Funds Domiciled Abroad – Special Type
  Composition of M/F market in Greece
Mutual Fund Performance
  Mutual Fund Performance
  Mutual Fund Performance by Category
Net Capital Inflows-Outflows
  Net Capital Inflows-Outflows by Mutual Fund
  Net Capital Inflows-Outflows by Category / by Company
Presentation of Mutual Funds
  Mutual Funds Market Data by Date
  Mutual Fund Data by Period
%Δ Assets - Units
  By Mutual Fund
  By Category / By Company
  By Mutual Fund
  By Company
Previous Classification
  Breakdown of Assets by Management Company
Report by Category   up to 31/12/2004
  Equity   International
  Balanced   International
  Bond   International
  Money Market   International
  Special Type   Domestic  |  Foreign

Notes and Priciples


 The classification of mutual funds is established by Capital Market Commission Regulation 6/587/2.6.2011



1. The historical data have been recorded by the Portfolio Investment Companies, and the update of the data is also the responsibility of each company


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